親愛的, 無線CarPlay 真的好方便!
雖然目前市場上的新車開始推出配有CarPlay功能的車款,但多了線在一旁操作時會稍嫌不靈活,如果有 無線CarPlay 是不是會更方便呢? 這次專題給各位一款好用的小配件- CPLAY2air ,可以將USB連線的CarPlay轉換為無線設備,讓你享受無線CarPlay乾乾淨淨的快感!(延伸閱讀: 最新蘋果官網CarPlay 車款列表)

- 使用您的iPhone設定-一般-CarPlay-成功配對您的愛車
- 啟動汽車-將CPLAY2air插進汽車的USB插槽,等待開機
- CPLAY2air若開始閃藍燈表示正常運作,面板即會跳出設定畫面
- 等待自動設定連接iPhone完成,汽車螢幕面板將會跳出iPhone的主畫面
- 安裝完成,可以使用無線CarPlay在車上螢幕進行地圖導航、聽歌等等活動了


買車要加購影音版?請先搞懂車上的CarPlay和Android Auto怎麼用!
CarPlay is an Apple standard that enables a car radio or head unit to be a display and a controller for an iOS device. It is available on all iPhone models beginning with iPhone 5 running iOS 7.1 or later.According to Apple’s website, all major vehicle manufacturers are using CarPlay.Vehicles without CarPlay can have vehicle audio products from automotive aftermarket suppliers fitted.
While most of the CarPlay software runs on the connected iPhone, the CarPlay interface provides the audio and display connection to the car’s infotainment system. CarPlay adapts to various display sizes and control interfaces for each vehicle: touch screen, rotary dials, buttons, steering-wheel controls and hands-free microphones.
Aftermarket head units may support CarPlay and/or Android Auto. Aftermarket head units can be purchased from Alpine, Clarion, Kenwood, Pioneer, Sony and JVC.
The iPhone can connect to the car through a USB cable or wirelessly in two ways: by exchanging network credentials with a supporting CarPlay receiver over Bluetooth, establishing a two-way Wi-Fi connection; or by using a dongle adapter to enable a wireless connection to the system’s USB port.