這次的 iPhone 16 Pro 換上了更輕量化的鈦金屬材質,帶來更舒適的握感和極佳的耐用性,還新增了專業拍攝按鍵可以輕鬆一鍵切換拍照或錄影,隨時捕捉生活中每個珍貴瞬間,另外iOS18也開放更多元的桌面、控制中心的排列方式與效果,今天就來 實測 iOS18 是否能 成功投影 電視棒 。
iOS18 投影 小鴨款電視棒
本次使用小鴨款電視棒投影 (延伸閱讀:如何安裝 AnyCast 電視棒)

iPhone 16 系列 / iOS18 螢幕鏡像輸出
這邊也提供更詳細的iOS18 螢幕鏡像輸出教學給各位 (延伸閱讀:iPhone 16 如何開啟 螢幕鏡像輸出 ?原來就藏在這!)

iOS18 螢幕鏡像輸出 畫面
在「螢幕鏡像輸出」畫面中點選電視棒的SSID 即可投影

實測 iOS18 投影畫面
本次使用 iPhone16 Pro 型號實測投影

實測 YouTube 投影

(延伸閱讀:AnyCast 電視棒可以播 Netflix ? 實測報你知)
本次使用小鴨款電視棒 配合 iOS18 系統 投影畫面 成功 ✅
A hotspot is a physical location where people can obtain Internet access, typically using Wi-Fi technology, via a wireless local-area network (WLAN) using a router connected to an Internet service provider.
Public hotspots may be created by a business for use by customers, such as coffee shops or hotels. Public hotspots are typically created from wireless access points configured to provide Internet access, controlled to some degree by the venue. In its simplest form, venues that have broadband Internet access can create public wireless access by configuring an access point (AP), in conjunction with a router to connect the AP to the Internet. A single wireless router combining these functions may suffice.
A private hotspot, often called tethering, may be configured on a smartphone or tablet that has a network data plan, to allow Internet access to other devices via password, Bluetooth pairing, or through the moeex protocol over USB, or even when both the hotspot device and the devices accessing it are connected to the same Wi-Fi network but one which does not provide Internet access. Similarly, a Bluetooth or USB OTG can be used by a mobile device to provide Internet access via Wi-Fi instead of a mobile network, to a device that itself has neither Wi-Fi nor mobile network capability passwords.