遠距教學使用 Google Classroom投影 螢幕
去年五月台灣宣布疫情三級警戒,形成了居家辦公、遠距教學的形式。有許多人詢問如何使用 Google Classroom投影 ?
今天就來教大家使用 AnyCast電視棒 來投影 Google Meet 應用程式
Google Classroom 投影使用教學
以下針對 Google Classroom投影步驟進行講解
- 本篇教學使用進階款電視棒進行操作


- 不知道怎麼安裝電視棒嗎? 教學:如何安裝AnyCast 電視棒 標準版本
蘋果用戶可使用內建的AirPlay螢幕鏡像功能投影至電視 教學 使用 AirPlay 將 iPhone / iPad的螢幕投影到電視
安卓用戶可使用Miracast技術投影 教學

投影成功後就可以開始上課或進行會議囉! 不知道Google Meet如何使用,請參考 Google Meet使用教學

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Google Meet (formerly known as Hangouts Meet) is a video-communication service developed by Google. It is one of two apps that constitute the replacement for Google Hangouts, the other being Google Chat.After being invite-only and quietly releasing an iOS appin February 2017, Google formally launched Meet in March 2017.The service was unveiled as a video conferencing app for up to 30 participants, described as an enterprise-friendly version of Hangouts. It has launched with a web app, an Android app, and an iOS app.
While Google Meet introduced the above features to upgrade the original Hangouts application, some standard Hangouts features were deprecated, including viewing attendees and chat simultaneously. The number of video feeds allowed at one time was also reduced to 8 (while up to 4 feeds can be shown in the “tiles” layout), prioritizing those attendees who most recently used their microphone. Additionally, features such as the chatbox were changed to overlay the video feeds, rather than resizing the latter to fit. Hangouts is scheduled to cease operation in the first half of 2021.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of Meet grew by a factor of 30 between January and April 2020, with 100 million users a day accessing Meet, compared to 200 million daily uses for Zoom as of the last week of April 2020.Google suspended its usual 60-minute limit for unpaid accounts.(By WikiPedia)