iOS 15.4 正式版來了!
蘋果在3月15日凌晨釋出 iOS 15.4 與 iPadOS 15.4 正式版更新,針對 iOS 15.4 更新幅度極大,帶來很多新功能,但也傳出許多網友們更新後的不少災情。
我們也立即升級手上的iPhone 進行電視棒台灣實測 ,究竟電視棒能否支援 iOS15.4呢?
iOS15.4 iPhone 螢幕鏡像輸出 實測
在其他篇我們介紹了電視棒使用iPhone的投影教學(延伸閱讀: [教學] 使用 AirPlay 將 iPhone / iPad的螢幕投影到電視)

●螢幕鏡像輸出投影 (iOS15.4)
我們使用 iPhone SE 進行 iOS15.4的更新。


實測結果公佈! 完全相容iOS15.4
我們也有使用小鴨M100 Plus 電視棒進行實測,結果也提供給各位呦(延伸閱讀:iOS15.4 升級 停!聽!看!升級後 iPhone 電視棒AnyCast不能用?)
AnyCast 電視棒可以播 Netflix ? 實測報你知
電視棒 相關產品
M100 Plus 小鴨NT$1,299
iPhone 電視棒使用教學
AirPlay is a proprietary wireless communication protocol stack/suite developed by Apple Inc. that allows streaming between devices of audio, video, device screens, and photos, together with related metadata. Originally implemented only in Apple’s software and devices, it was called AirTunes and used for audio only.Apple has since licensed the AirPlay protocol stack as a third-party software component technology to manufacturers that build products compatible with Apple’s devices.
AirPlay, then AirTunes, was introduced in iOS 4.2 and was compatible with Airport Express.
Apple announced AirPlay 2 at its annual WWDC conference on June 5, 2017. It was scheduled for release along with iOS 11 in the third quarter of 2017, but was delayed until June 2018.Compared to the original version, AirPlay 2 improves buffering; adds streaming audio to stereo speakers; allows audio to be sent to multiple devices in different rooms; and control by Control Center, the Home app, or Siri,functionality that was only available previously using iTunes under macOS or Windows.