近年來因為疫情的蔓延,網購漸漸成了家家戶戶購物最常選擇的模式,其中MoMo購物也是許多人選擇的電商平台之一,今天來講解 momo幣怎麼用 ,前篇已經有針對momo購物做教學了,有興趣的朋友歡迎回到上一篇觀看呦! (延伸閱讀:MoMo購物教學超簡單!懶人三步驟報你知)
momo幣怎麼用 ? 又是什麼?
momo幣:一個momo幣 = 一元新台幣,不可兌換現金
以 momo幣購買商品依然享有退貨及商品十天猶豫期等所有服務。
要特別注意的是,不同優惠活動回饋之momo幣皆有使用效期;有效期間屆滿,尚未使用的 momo幣將於到期日23:59:59自動失效喔!

- 購買商品放入購物車
- 結帳畫面時,請輸入欲使用多少的momo幣;當然輸入的momo幣不能多於你帳戶內的數目。
- 付款完成後,會秀出使用的momo幣 及 其它你要付費的金額。

1.) 使用momo幣消費購買產品,依舊享有退貨及十天猶豫期的服務;退貨程序完成後,系統將退回該次支付之momo幣,但momo幣的使用期限不會遞延(順延)。
2.) 退貨的次數超過一定的比例,系統將自動列入黑名單,該會員帳號將失效,無法在momo購物網上繼續購買。
Miracast is a standard for wireless connections from sending devices (such as laptops, tablets, or smartphones) to display receivers (such as TVs, monitors, or projectors), introduced in 2012 by the Wi-Fi Alliance. It can roughly be described as “HDMI over Wi-Fi”, replacing the cable from the device to the display.
The Wi-Fi Alliance launched the Miracast certification program at the end of 2012.Devices that are Miracast-certified can communicate with each other, regardless of manufacturer. Adapters became available that may be plugged either into HDMI or USB ports, allowing devices without built-in Miracast support to connect via Miracast.In 2013, Nvidia announced support for Miracast.
Miracast employs the peer-to-peer Wi-Fi Direct standard. It allows sending up to 1080p HD video (H.264 codec) and 5.1 surround sound (AAC and AC3 are optional codecs, mandated codec is linear pulse-code modulation – 16 bits 48 kHz 2 channels).The connection is created via WPS and therefore is secured with WPA2. IPv4 is used on the Internet layer. On the transport layer, TCP or UDP are used. On the application layer, the stream is initiated and controlled via RTSP, RTP for the data transfer. (by Wikipedia)