家裡的 Wi-Fi 很慢 是什麼原因?
「明明站在路由器旁但 Wi-Fi 很慢 ,想看影片卻一直卡頓」 不少人在家裡都是使用Wi-Fi 上網,但網路使用起來很慢看影片也經常卡頓,是路由器效能太差還是基地台網路不穩嗎? 有什麼辦法可以解決? 以下幾個小步驟教大家如何讓自己家的Wi-Fi暢通無阻!
使用 Wi-Fi分析 APP 了解網路頻道使用狀況
1.安卓Android 手機 Wi-Fi分析教學
2.蘋果Apple 手機 Wi-Fi分析教學
●安卓Android 手機 Wi-Fi分析教學
1. Android 安卓 Google Play 下載 Wi-Fi 分析儀
2. 掃描目前 Wi-Fi 環境現況, 查看您的Wi-Fi目前頻道。
3.以下圖為例,頻道1~3目前就佔有三個Wi-Fi ,其中2.4G WiFi AP 訊號最強。別以為家裡訊號最強就沒事了,三個Wi-Fi的網路訊號都會受到彼此干擾

●蘋果Apple 手機 Wi-Fi分析教學
1.App Store 下載 Airport 應用程式
2.下載完後到「設定」中 打開「Airport」-拉到底部開啟「WiFi掃描器」
3.打開後開啟Airport APP 按下首頁右上方的「Wi-Fi 掃描」- 「掃描」

5.接著點擊畫面右下角的 i 進入 頻道用量 畫面,可參考數據將Wi-Fi調整至裝置少的頻道,讓家裡網路順暢一些喔!

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M100 Plus 小鴨NT$1,299
Wi-Fi 路由器頻道調整教學
AirPlay is a proprietary wireless communication protocol stack/suite developed by Apple Inc. that allows streaming between devices of audio, video, device screens, and photos, together with related metadata. Originally implemented only in Apple’s software and devices, it was called AirTunes and used for audio only.Apple has since licensed the AirPlay protocol stack as a third-party software component technology to manufacturers that build products compatible with Apple’s devices.
AirPlay, then AirTunes, was introduced in iOS 4.2 and was compatible with Airport Express.
Apple announced AirPlay 2 at its annual WWDC conference on June 5, 2017. It was scheduled for release along with iOS 11 in the third quarter of 2017, but was delayed until June 2018.Compared to the original version, AirPlay 2 improves buffering; adds streaming audio to stereo speakers; allows audio to be sent to multiple devices in different rooms; and control by Control Center, the Home app, or Siri,functionality that was only available previously using iTunes under macOS or Windows.