家裡沒有 WiFi 路由器,只有手機的行動網路
電視棒 需要使用Wi-Fi路由器來連結設定網路,不少用戶反應自己 家裡沒有 WiFi 網路與路由器 ,平時都使用自己手機的4G/5G 電信行動網路上網
家中沒有WiFi 網路與路由器的連接方式,以下提供不同品牌手機教學。
iPhone 4G/5G 使用步驟
請讓 iPhone 的 WiFi 連上 AnyCast 電視棒的熱點, 在 iPhone 會檢測到電視棒的熱點沒法上網, 然後iPhone 會自動切換成 4G5G 電信上網 如果 iPhone 連接 AnyCast 電視棒熱點之後, 不能透過 4G/5G 電信上網, 請試用下面的方法 iPhone 設定 > 行動服務 > (最下方) Wi-Fi 輔助 > 打開
安卓 Android 4G/5G 使用步驟
Android 手機不需要連接 AnyCast 電視棒的 WiFi 熱點 只要能支援 Miracast, 本身就可以直接連接 電視棒 傳送畫面
安卓 Android Miracast 使用步驟
👉Samsung > Smart View 👉ASUS 設定 > 更多 > Play To 或 投放 ⚠️ 請先 「啟用無線螢幕分享」 👉SONY 設定 > Xperia連線 > 螢幕同步顯示 👉小米 設定 > 更多無線連接 > 無線顯示 👉realme 設定 > 其他無線連接 > 無線顯示 👉InFocus 設定 > 投放螢幕 > 啟用無線螢幕分享 👉OPPO 設定 > WiFi > 其他無線連接 > 多螢幕互動 👉acer 設定 > 顯示 > 無線螢幕分享 👉ViVo 設定 > 智慧投影 > 螢幕鏡像 👉華為 設置 > 顯示 > 無線顯示 或者 設置 > 顯示 > 投射螢幕 👉聯想 設置 > 顯示 > 無線顯示 或者 設置 > 顯示 > 投射螢幕 👉Huawei 捷徑 > 多螢幕 👉Nokia 設定 > 已連接裝置 > 投放 👉LG 設定 > 共享&連接 > Miracast 👉Google/Pixel 不支援 Miracast 👉HTC 不支援 Miracast
M100 Plus 小鴨NT$1,299
家裡沒有 WiFi 路由器 電視棒使用影片教學
Wi-Fi is a family of wireless network protocols, based on the IEEE 802.11 family of standards, which are commonly used for local area networking of devices and Internet access, allowing nearby digital devices to exchange data by radio waves. These are the most widely used computer networks in the world, used globally in home and small office networks to link desktop and laptop computers, tablet computers, smartphones, smart TVs, printers, and smart speakers together and to a wireless router to connect them to the Internet, and in wireless access points in public places like coffee shops, hotels, libraries and airports to provide the public Internet access for mobile devices.Wi‑Fi is a trademark of the non-profit Wi-Fi Alliance, which restricts the use of the term Wi-Fi Certified to products that successfully complete interoperability certification testing.
As of 2017, the Wi-Fi Alliance consisted of more than 800 companies from around the world. As of 2019, over 3.05 billion Wi-Fi enabled devices are shipped globally each year.Wi-Fi uses multiple parts of the IEEE 802 protocol family and is designed to interwork seamlessly with its wired sibling, Ethernet. Compatible devices can network through wireless access points to each other as well as to wired devices and the Internet. The different versions of Wi-Fi are specified by various IEEE 802.11 protocol standards, with the different radio technologies determining radio bands, and the maximum ranges, and speeds that may be achieved. Wi-Fi most commonly uses the 2.4 gigahertz (120 mm) UHF and 5 gigahertz (60 mm) SHF radio bands; these bands are subdivided into multiple channels. Channels can be shared between networks but only one transmitter can locally transmit on a channel at any moment in time.