關於 遠距上課 與 在家辦公(WFH)
2021年5月,台灣疫情提升為三級警戒影響了全台民眾,為了防止疫情擴散 學校開始改為 遠距上課 、許多公司行業改為居家辦公模式。
這款電視棒推薦您,為了 遠距上課 還得買新電腦增加支出、或燃眉之急電腦卻一直缺貨的情況,只需不到一千元價格的電視棒搭配您的手機,種種問題一次替您解決。
- 閱讀相關文章 你的電視棒是台灣官網版本嗎? 三招教你分辨!
遠距上課 相關產品
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Telecommuting came to be in the 1970s to describe work-related substitutions of telecommunication and related information technologies for travel.
In the 1990s, telecommuting became the subject of pop culture attention. In 1995, the motto that “work is something you do, not something you travel to” was coined. Variations of this motto include:
“Work is something we DO, not a place that we GO”
and “Work is what we do, not where we are.”Telecommuting has been adopted by a range of businesses, governments and not-for-profit organizations. Organizations may use telecommuting to reduce costs (telecommuting employees do not require an office or cubicle,
a space which needs to be rented or purchased, and incurs additional costs such as lighting, climate control, etc.)
Some organizations adopt telecommuting to improve workers’ quality of life, as teleworking typically reduces commuting time and time stuck in traffic jams.
Along with this, teleworking may make it easier for workers to balance their work responsibilities with their personal life and family roles (e.g., caring for children or elderly parents).