巴哈姆特動畫瘋 也是大家常稱呼的「動畫瘋」,是由巴哈姆特電玩資訊站在台灣運營的OTT串流平台,分為「廣告免費方案」與「無廣告版方案」,造福許多喜愛動漫的觀眾能在線上合法觀看有繁體翻譯新番或是經典動畫。 今天來實測使用 電視棒 投影 動畫瘋 APP ,使用大螢幕觀賞更舒適!
實測 電視棒 投影 動畫瘋 APP
本次使用進階款電視棒投影 (延伸閱讀:如何安裝 AnyCast 電視棒)

Android 手機 實測(2025年實測)
本次使用小米11T實測投影 (延伸閱讀:Android 手機 如何使用電視棒投放螢幕教學)

使用 Android 手機 投放 動畫瘋 免費區影片 成功 ✅

iPhone 手機實測(2025年實測)
本次使用 iPhone15 Plus 進行實測
(延伸閱讀: [教學] 使用 AirPlay 將 iPhone / iPad的螢幕投影到電視)

使用 iPhone 手機 投放 動畫瘋 免費區影片 成功 ✅

本次使用進階款電視棒投影 動畫瘋 APP,使用Android 與 iPhone 手機 皆為成功 ✅
A hotspot is a physical location where people can obtain Internet access, typically using Wi-Fi technology, via a wireless local-area network (WLAN) using a router connected to an Internet service provider.
Public hotspots may be created by a business for use by customers, such as coffee shops or hotels. Public hotspots are typically created from wireless access points configured to provide Internet access, controlled to some degree by the venue. In its simplest form, venues that have broadband Internet access can create public wireless access by configuring an access point (AP), in conjunction with a router to connect the AP to the Internet. A single wireless router combining these functions may suffice.
A private hotspot, often called tethering, may be configured on a smartphone or tablet that has a network data plan, to allow Internet access to other devices via password, Bluetooth pairing, or through the moeex protocol over USB, or even when both the hotspot device and the devices accessing it are connected to the same Wi-Fi network but one which does not provide Internet access. Similarly, a Bluetooth or USB OTG can be used by a mobile device to provide Internet access via Wi-Fi instead of a mobile network, to a device that itself has neither Wi-Fi nor mobile network capability passwords.