明明已經很靠近WiFi路由器,看影片時網路仍還是卡卡的很困擾? 以下教你使用免費的WiFi分析儀 App 與 D-Link 路由器設定 改變WiFi區間,不用再跟隔壁鄰居搶頻道,讓你的網路隨時暢通保持好心情!
以下將使用 D-Link 路由器設定
《延伸閱讀》:Wi-Fi 很慢 怎麼辦?教你一招讓 Wi-Fi 暢通無阻!
1.將網路線插入D-Link路由器(黃色Internet端) 另一邊連上 數據機或是網路埠(例如:中華電信小烏龜)看到指示燈亮起即成功

開啟瀏覽器輸入 dlinkrouter.local./
進入畫面後輸入密碼,預設使用者名稱為Admin /密碼:無 ; 如果有更改過密碼的用戶請輸入更改後的密碼


接著在2.4g網路區塊按右下方的「進階設定」在 頻道 選擇剛剛使用WiFi分析儀分析影響最小的頻道


如果您的D-link路由器使用上有問題 請詢問D-link客服提供更詳細的解決方式唷~
閱讀相關文章: DIR-895L 如何手動設定更改無線名稱及密碼?
CarPlay is an Apple standard that enables a car radio or head unit to be a display and a controller for an iOS device. It is available on all iPhone models beginning with iPhone 5 running iOS 7.1 or later.According to Apple’s website, all major vehicle manufacturers are using CarPlay. Vehicles without CarPlay can have vehicle audio products from automotive aftermarket suppliers fitted.
While most of the CarPlay software runs on the connected iPhone, the CarPlay interface provides the audio and display connection to the car’s infotainment system. CarPlay adapts to various display sizes and control interfaces for each vehicle: touch screen, rotary dials, buttons, steering-wheel controls and hands-free microphones.Aftermarket head units may support CarPlay and/or Android Auto. Aftermarket head units can be purchased from Alpine, Clarion, Kenwood, Pioneer,Sony and JVC.The iPhone can connect to the car through a USB cable or wirelessly in two ways: by exchanging network credentials with a supporting CarPlay receiver over Bluetooth, establishing a two-way Wi-Fi connection; or by using a dongle adapter to enable a wireless connection to the system’s USB port.